Funding for the upgrading of 14 Armath labs in the border communities of Syunik Province

Funding for the upgrading of 14 Armath labs in the border communities of Syunik Province
Upgrading more than 10 Armat laboratories instead of establishing 1 new laboratory.
On May 30, with the donation of C-Quadrat Ampega Asset Management Armenia and in cooperation with the Union of Advanced Technologies Enterprises (UATE), a memorandum was signed to equip 14 Armath labs in the border communities of the Syunik region.
"We chose Syunik because we believe that the implementation of development projects in the Syunik region is extremely important during this period," said CEO of C-Quadrat Ampega Asset Management Armenia Arman Vardanyan.
C-Quadrat Ampega contributes to the economic development of Armenia within the framework of its main function of asset management and mandatory pension funds management. Therefore, as part of our social responsibility, we have chosen areas that directly contribute to social development, including quality education and the creation of additional educational opportunities for children and young people. With this project, we hope to contribute to the development of a technologically advanced society in Armenia.
We are delighted to collaborate with UATE and to contribute to the long-term development of the country's technological ecosystem.

Our Projects

C-Quadrat Ampega Asset Management Armenia donates EUR 40.000 for the construction of a daycare center in Noyemberyan, Armenia

C-QUADRAT Ampega Asset Management Armenia announced that, in the framework of its corporate social responsibility, it will donate EUR 40.000 to Tavush Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church for the construction of a Daycare Center in Noyemberyan city, Tavush region.

The Project aims to contribute to the educational, cognitive, and spiritual well-being of children and their families who live in Noyemberyan town and its adjacent villages in the Tavush region of Armenia.

The daycare center, which currently exists and is running with 110 children, has miserable conditions. Hence, it is a basic need for the Center to rebuild into a facility that can continue to operate at full capacity and enhance its impact by serving more families in Noyemberyan and the satellite villages.

The new Day Care Center will be located on two floors which together will compose a space of 615 sq. m. Thanks to the Project, more than 200 vulnerable children and their families in Noyemberyan town and neighboring communities will have access to education, proper care , and social services to promote their emotional and cognitive development, as well as to improve their quality of life.

This project creates an opportunity for the kids in Tavush region to have a brighter future. The concept of the center has proven to be efficient through the years, and we are happy for the chance to support its further development. It will become an exemplary place for alternative care for the children at the risk of abandonment; it will allow parents to raise their children in an inclusive and loving environment,” said Mr. Arman Vardanyan, Chief Executive Officer of C-QUADRAT Ampega Asset Management Armenia.

Donation to hospitals and elderly houses in an effort to prevent the spread of coronavirus

Appreciating the efforts of the doctors and medical staff of Armenia to combat the coronavirus epidemic, C-Quadrat Ampega Asset Management Armenia, within the framework of their corporate social responsibility provides AMD 15,000,000 worth supplies and equipment to medical institutions and nursing homes.

For the first stage of the initiative, C-Quadrat Ampega Armenia is providing medical protective clothing, face shields and respirator masks to 5 hospitals in the RA. Donations are already made to “Nork” Infectious Clinical Hospital and the Scientific Center of Traumatology And Orthopedy. “Saint Gregory the Illuminator”, “Sourb Astvatsamayr” and “Vanadzor” medical centers were next supported by the supplies arriving from Vienna. 

By the second stage of the initiative, considering the vulnerability of pensioners to the coronavirus epidemic, 8 nursing homes and daycare centers for elders in Yerevan and the regions will be supported with medical masks, medical supplies, and Kaercher professional disinfecting and steam cleaners. The second stage of the donation is co-financed by Mr. Johannes Karcher, a supervisory board member of C-Quadrat Ampega Armenia.  The distribution of the aid is executed by Caritas Armenia, a partner of the initiative.

We extend our gratitude to the doctors and medical staff for their work and hope that with collective action we will soon be able to combat the epidemic. 

Be safe and healthy,

C-Quadrat Ampega Asset Management LLC

Last updated: 17-June-2024 12:36