Your Asset Manager
Global expertise,
Local partner

Save for your retirement.
Choose a pension fund
aligned with your risk appetite.

Invest with us.
Achieve your investment goals
through CQAG fund.

Being committed to
social impact, we invest in
socio-economic projects
across Armenia.

Helping people retire securely

C-Quadrat Ampega helps you achieve financial well-being at your retirement. We offer three pension funds with different investment strategies.

Choose your fund now

Estimate your pension and learn how you can save more for your retirement.


Investing is easier than ever

Become an investor. Achieve your financial goals with our CQAG investment fund.

How to invest

Our advisers will answer your questions and help you start investing.

Leave your contact info

Investing to make an impact

As part of our social responsibility, we are committed to driving sustainable development in Armenia. Social Fund aims to achieve long-term social impact.

Explore our social impact

Explore the focus areas of the Social fund and apply to be considered for an investment.

Learn more
Last updated: 09-July-2024 12:33